Implications of Subsidy removal on Small Scale Industries (SSI)

The implications of subsidy removal in Nigeria for small-scale industries can vary depending on the specific industry. Here are a few industry examples and the potential implications they may face: In all these examples, subsidy removal can increase the cost of doing business for small-scale industries, potentially affecting their profitability, competitiveness, and ability to grow. … Read more

International Labour Organization should Step Up Small Scale Industries Training

I agree that efforts should be stepped up to accommodate more small-scale industries in international labor training programs. Small-scale industries play a crucial role in many economies, contributing to job creation, innovation, and economic growth. By providing them with appropriate training and support, we can help them thrive and contribute even more to their local … Read more

Benefits of NAFDAC to Small Scale Industries.

Small Scale Industries (SSIs) can greatly benefit from the registration efforts of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). NAFDAC plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety, quality, and efficacy of products in Nigeria, particularly in the food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices sectors. Here are some ways SSIs can … Read more

The Role of Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) in Product Standardization for Small Scale Industries

Introduction: Small Scale Industries (SSIs) form the backbone of Nigeria’s economy, contributing significantly to employment generation, poverty reduction, and economic growth. In order to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of SSIs, it is essential to establish and maintain standards for their products. The Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) plays a pivotal role in product standardization, … Read more

Guidelines on Shared Services Arrangements in Nigeria

Introduction and Background: The guidelines on shared services arrangements in Nigeria provide a framework for implementing and managing shared services within the Nigerian public sector. Shared services involve consolidating and centralizing specific administrative functions or services across multiple organizations to achieve economies of scale, enhance efficiency, and improve service delivery. The document aims to promote … Read more

Unveiling the Pulse of the Economy: National Survey of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises

Introduction: In any thriving economy, the contribution of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) cannot be underestimated. These enterprises play a pivotal role in generating employment, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. Recognizing the significance of MSMEs, governments and policymakers often conduct comprehensive surveys to gauge the pulse of this crucial sector. The National Survey … Read more