As the premier and private sector organization for all the micro, small, and medium industries. Our support for SSIs accelerates wealth creation, up-scaling economic activities, and the re-positioning of MSMEs for growth. NASSI is statutorily on many boards of Government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs). As a member-organized Private Sector (OPS) with Members in agro-processing, services, and industrial manufacturing, it has been championing the course of the nation’s industrialization pursuit. In the same vein, NASSI has developed various policies and programs, pulling synergy with relevant institutions, both nationally and internationally, to ensure that Nigeria is back on track to producing again to become an Industrial self-reliant nation.

No country can break away from the poverty chain by exporting raw materials without an active industrial sector. Small and medium Scale Industries have remained a veritable tool for industrialisation among nations. To this end, the Nigerian Association of Small-Scale Industrialists (NASSI) was formed to advocate for its promotion, growth, and development in Nigeria. The association, with its motto “Industrial Self-Reliance”, has pursued these objectives from its inception in 1978 till date.
The aims and objectives of NASSI are:
- To establish and maintain an Association for exchanging ideas and techniques on issues relevant to developing micro, small and medium industries.
- To establish contact with the government, its institutions, and other non-governmental organizations to advance and promote micro, small, and Medium industries at all levels.
- To contact, consult, confer and cooperate with foreign agencies, institutions, and organizations within and outside Nigeria to enhance the growth and development of the micro, mall, and Medium industries in Nigeria.
- To source, provide and facilitate equity/credit delivery to micro and small and medium industries.
- To Promote development and business education programs at the grassroots through organized seminars, symposia, workshops, lectures, trade fairs, debates and other public enlightenment programs.
- To contact, consult, confer and co-operate with organizations and persons in Nigeria or elsewhere having objects in parts or whole similar to those of the association.
- To engage in policy advocacy programs and other activities conducive to promoting and advancing sustainable income generation at the grassroots level.

NASSI has a Chapter in each of the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory Abuja with locale government coordinating areas in Nigeria. Membership is open to micro, small, and cottage industries – INDUSTRIALISTS with a membership strength of 150,000 and a 40% retention rate.